Our Mission

We exist to provide practical and tangible content to help you build a Synergetic Culture®

Adam Bieber

Founder & Host, Synergetic Culture®

Welcome to Synergetic Culture®, the podcast that delves deep into the heart of what makes organizations thrive and individuals flourish. I'm your host, Adam, and I'm thrilled to have you join our community.

First and foremost, let me introduce myself. My name is Adam, and my journey is guided by two unwavering principles: faith and family. As a devoted husband and father, my greatest joy and responsibility revolve around the love and service I provide to my family. This commitment to faith and family has shaped my worldview and influences every aspect of my life.

Beyond my role as a dedicated husband and father, I am also a proud veteran of the United States Air Force. My military experience has instilled in me discipline, teamwork, and a strong sense of duty, which I carry with me in all my endeavors.

Today, I find myself in a unique position in my corporate and professional career. As a millennial with 15+ years in the workforce, I offer a seasoned perspective on the workforce that spans four generations. I was welcomed into the workforce by Baby Boomers, managed by Generation X leaders, surrounded by my fellow Millennials (the largest generation on record), and am now guiding and mentoring the Gen Z young adults who are entering the workforce.

Out of my passion for building strong, harmonious cultures within organizations, I founded Synergetic Culture®. This podcast was born from the desire to provide professionals, teams, and organizations with practical, actionable content that can help them build successful, thriving cultures – what we call a Synergetic Culture®. Our mission extends beyond benefiting the organizations themselves; we aim to add value to the lives of individuals who engage with the content we provide.

My sincere hope is that through the Synergetic Culture® podcast and our consulting/speaking services, our organization can make a positive impact on companies, teams, and professionals all around the world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and growth. Together, we'll uncover the secrets to building thriving cultures and unleashing the full potential of individuals and organizations. Welcome to the Synergetic Culture® community!

- AB

The Why Behind The What

There are characteristics to companies, organizations, and teams that transcend generations and apply to almost every facet of life, most certainly your professional life. Everyone, whether consciously or not, contributes to the culture around them (on their team, in their department, throughout the organization or company, etc). Toxicity and negativity can creep in when a conscious effort is not made to positively impact the culture. Culture is built either by design or by default.

At Synergetic Culture®, our purpose is to provide practical and tangible content to help you build a Synergetic Culture®. Here we will focus on the positive effect from conscious and intentional effort, the strategies and tactics being used in the workforce today, and practical ways to implement them using our Culture By Design™ methodology.

So, whether you’re on the verge of retirement, rising into senior leadership, earning tenure in your career, or just now starting out, Synergetic Culture® is FOR you.

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”

— Steve Jobs